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3 ways Get Admission In Army Medical College 2025

There are three ways to get admission to Army Medical College and its private colleges.

  • Through Nums Test
  • As a Paying Cadet
  • As a Medical Cadet (Captain Doctors)

Now we are giving detail of all these.

1.Get Admission In Army Medical CollegeThrough Nums Test:

In this category, all students from Pakistan or overseas can apply. Both male and female.

Wait for the announcement of the test date on the official site

When the test date is announced, a complete procedure and criteria are provided on the nums advertisement 2025. As an example:

Test Apply Fee: Pkr 3000/- (online apply)

Entry Test Mode: Paper Type (means filling on bubble sheets)

Eligibility: 65% marks in FSc pre-medical.

Who can apply: Both male and female

Document Required for apply: Scanned documents required are CNIC or B form, Domicile (if required), Valid email address, Matric result card, Fsc result card (if required), Blue background passport size picture, Paid Copy of challan form.

Document Required at the test centre: Original CNIC, Admit Card and Blue ballpoints.

Test Pattern and Marks: Mentioned in the advertisement.

No Negative Marking.

Test Result: Announced after two weeks of test held.

Government Medical College Under Nums:

Total Seats:  Open merit (There is no quota seat)

55 seats for MBBS & 15 seats for BDS

Fee Structure of AMC: Pkr 220,000 per year (only Tuition fee)

How to apply: After clearing NMDCAT & NUMS, Print the Result card, and Admissions open on nums official site. You will apply online for AMC and also Pay Pkr 3000/- challan.

Eligibility: 65% marks in FSc pre-medical, 60% marks in nums test (it may vary from time to time) and Nmdcat is compulsory to pass.

Merit Lists: Merit lists are displayed on the nums official site.

Note: Numsian MBBS doctors will not be captains. They will only doctors.


Quetta Institute of Medical Sciences, Quetta
CMH Multan Institute of Medical Sciences, Multan
CMH Institute of Medical College, Lahore
Wah Medical College, Wah Cantt
Karachi Institute of Medical Sciences, Malir
CMH Institute of Medical Sciences, Bahawalpur
CMH Kharian Medical College, Kharian
HITEC Institute of Medical Sciences, Taxila
Foundation University Medical College, Islamabad
Fazaia Medical College, Islamabad
Fazaia Ruth Pfau Medical College, Karachi
Bahria University Medical and Dental College, Karachi


Foundation University College of Dentistry, Islamabad
CMH Lahore Medical College, Institute of Dentistry, Lahore
HITEC Dental College, Taxila Cantt
Bahria University Medical & Dental College, Karachi

Fee Structure: Last Year 2025 Fee Structure of all private nums medical colleges are as follow:

fee sreucture

Total seats in nums affiliated Colleges: Almost 100 in each college (including quota seats)

Merit Criteria: Always mentioned in advertisements.

How to apply: After clearing NMDCAT & NUMS, Print the result card. Admissions open on nums official site. You will apply online for nums affiliated college and also Pay Pkr 3000/- challan form.

Eligibility: 65% marks in FSc pre-medical, 60% marks in nums test (it may vary from time to time) and Nmdcat is compulsory to pass.

Merit Lists: Merit lists are displayed on nums official site.

2. As a NUMS Paying Cadet:

In this category, only those students can apply whose parents are in the army or retired from the army.

Step follows:

  1. Before 1- 2 weeks of nums test, the Paying cadet form is available at GHQ or every nearest army station headquarters. Bring that form and fill and send it to General headquarters in Rawalpindi before the last date as mentioned on the form and the address also mentioned on the form. (Even if nums will not conduct due to any issues. You must beware of paying the cadet form. Visit the result pedia page regularly).
  2. After that, you give the nums test (as we mentioned the detail of nums test above) and then be relaxed because paying cadet selection is always too late.
  3. After the test results are announced, you get a print of your result, Fsc result card and matric result card photocopies sent to GHQ Rawalpindi.
  4. For every student can apply whose parents are in servicing or retired, serving merit is low than retired.
  5. Last year merit of serving was 82.7 and retirement was 85.9.
  6. The merit of Paying cadets is lower than open merit (Through the nums test).
  7. Paying Cadet selection is always displayed after open merit lists of nums open merit.
  8. Seats Distribution: 60% Serving 40% Retired
  9. Documents are always sent through Pak post office registered mail. Never send through private couriers
  10. Most Important: It is compulsory to apply for open merit also if you want to apply for Paying cadets. If you just fill out the form of a PC and don’t apply for open merit (through nums) you will be disqualified for paying cadets.
  11. The merit list of paying cadets is not displayed. You will be informed through call letters and phone calls.

Seats Distribution:

AMC = MBBS (45) +BDS (33) = 78
CMH Kharian, Lahore, Multan, Bahawalpur, Quetta, Karachi = 5 x seat each = 30 (MBBS)
TOTAL SEATS = MBBS ( 75) + BDS(33) = 108
Eligibility Criteria: 65% marks in FSC & 33% marks in entry test (NUMS).
Age limit and Material status: 17-25 age limit and must be unmarried.
Self Finance Seats: Self-finance seats also given detail is available on PC Form.
Fee Structure: Same as AMC fee structure ( those whose parents are on the high rank will give full fee as AMC open merit but those whose parents are at lower rank will pay less fee or given fee concession). but self-finance will pay the fee as a private student.

3. As a Medical Cadet:

In this category, only boys of any province can apply.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Announcement of a medical cadet is usually in the first week of July at army’s official site

This is not announced at the nums site and nums have no link with this category for the admission procedure.

How to apply: Online apply at

Apply Fee: No application fee. You just give Pkr 300/- (Three hundred rupees only) in AS&RC at test time.

Who can Apply: Only boys can apply.

Age limit: 17-21 Years (3 months relaxation above and below age limit)

Eligibility to apply: 70% marks in FSC Pre Medical and nums or MDCAT anyone is compulsory to pass. If any student doesn’t have an FSC marks sheet. He can apply on the basis of the Hope Certificate.

  • Nationality: All Pakistani Citizens & from A.J Kashmir/Gilgit Baltistan
  • Minimum Height: 5‟- 4” (162.5 cm)
  • Weight: As per Body Mass Index

Seat Distribution: 

Medical Cadet 2025

Fee Structure: Totally Free MBBS OR BDS for 5 Years.

Stipend: Per month approx 50K stipend given to selected students.

Uniform: Selected students wear Khakhi Army uniforms.

Note: After completing MBBS OR BDS they are Captain Doctors.

Now I will give a detailed procedure for medial cadets’ Registration to Call letters:

Steps Follow:

Selection Criteria for AMC Medical Cadets:
1. Online registration
2. Initial test (Verbal, nonverbal, Subject bio, chemistry, English, and Physics)
3. Initial medical test (Not too strict)
4. Physical Test and Form fill
5. List-display for interview call
6. Interview
7. Final medical (strict)
8. Selection Call letters issued at home.
1. Online registration

Online application announcement in the first week of July. In 2025, online registration is opened. the last date to apply is 27th July 2025. There is no fee for registration.

Important: I suggest only those boys who prefer to apply who have excellent (1000+ marks in Matric as well as in FSC) academic records. Because the army prefers them.

2. Initial test:

After the last date of registration, the initial test date is announced on  site.

Test conducted on the computer at the Army test center.

Test conducted in the center which you choose during online registration.

Documents that are required when you go for the initial test are:

Matric mark sheet
Matric Degree
School character certificate
Fsc mark sheet
Fsc Degree
Or hope certificate
College character certificate
B form and CNIC both require
Father CNIC
(Attested these documents as mentioned on the instruction page on your initial slip, Bring original as well as attested copies and take care of your original documents also)

The test consists of three components:

1. Verbal

In this sections 64 or 90, verbal MCQs-type questions will ask, and if you give 50% 0r more correct answers. Then the test will proceed to the next part.

If you fail in the verbal section. On-screen, it will display You fail and try again. and you will leave the seat and the army person will make a stamp of “Fail” on your original document.

Let you pass the Verbal part with 50% or more your test will proceed to the next part which will be

2. Non-Verbal Part:

In this section 90, MCQs type questions will ask and if you give 50% 0r more correct answers. Then the test will proceed to the next part. If you fail in the non-verbal section. On-screen, it will display You fail and try again. and you will leave the seat and the army person will make a stamp of “Fail” on your original document.

Let you also pass the Non-verbal part with 50% or more your test will proceed to the next part that will be

3. Subject Part:

In this Section total of 50, MCQs type questions ask from Biology, Chemistry, Physics and English MCQs type questions will be asked, and if you give 50% 0r more correct answers. Then, it will write “Congratulations you Successfully passed” If you fail in the subject section. On-screen, it will display You fail and try again and you will leave the seat and the army person will make a stamp of “Fail” on your original document.

The subject part will contain:

Bio: 40%
Phys: 15%
Chem: 30%
Eng: 15%

Let you passed all parts, Now the stamp of “Passed” will be applied to your original document.

Note: For test preparation, we will upload AMC medical cadet best practice book soon on our website. and one thing is most important initial test is not too difficult to pass. Even thousands of students easily cleared the initial tests. If you have an excellent academic record you just focus on the initial test and give your best in it. Because in final selection criteria, initial test marks will be considered.

3. Initial Medical test: This test is conducted just after clearing the initial test. When you come after clear of the initial test. Army personnel at your center will take your initial medical test.

Height measure
Knew knocking
Carrying angle
Eyesight test
Flat feet
Teeth checking.

After this test, they will inform you about the date of the physical test at that time. You will wait for a physical test and do practice for it.

4. Physical test

The physical test will be held at the same center where you gave the initial test.

Physical Test will contain these factors:

running 1.6km, pushups 15,
chin-ups 3, situps 20, and ditch
cross 7.5×7.5 ft approx

All these Physical test requirements are provided on the official site of the Pak army when registration is open. After a clear physical test, they provide you with a form in which data of yourself is required.

IMPORTANT: When you fill the form and submit it to the same centre. Must take photocopies of that form because in your interview they will ask questions from that form and will check either you are giving the same answers as you provided them in the form. So, must take pictures or photocopies of that form.

5. Interview: Not all students are called for interviews who cleared previous initial medical + physical test.

An interview list is provided.  Standard students are listed out and called for three days to AMC, Rawalpindi.(contain 3 days)
1st day: You have to submit your required documents.
2nd day: All the personality tests conducted
3rd day: Interview day and include personality tests and psychiatrist interview.
Personality tests contain picture story, pointer story, SCT(sentence completion test), WAT(word association test),
Self merits and demerits, sad/happy/unforgettable incidents of your life, favorite personality, Hobbies, and sometimes asking current affairs questions.

After completing the interview means on the third day, they wait for students and announce their final medical test (call names of students who were selected for the next procedure)

6. Final Medical: The Recommended Candidate will receive a final medical letter & candidates have options to select the nearest CMHs for the final medical examination. Complete body test includes a Blood test
Urine test
ENT checkup
Surgical test by a surgeon
Body X-rays and Piles Tests etc

7. Selection Call letters issued at home: The final call letters are issued based on the overall progress in the Medical Cadet test and your performance in the Matric, FSC, and Entry tests.

You can also check Best MDCAT Books with Aggregate Calculator 2025 updated on our website.

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