This year the National MDCAT is going to be conducted by the PAKISTAN MEDICAL & Dental COUNCIL (PMDC). The PMC has decided same MDCAT 2025 Syllabus for all provinces. So, all candidates should prepare according to the syllabus.
PMDC MDCAT Syllabus PDF Download
IN MDCAT the subjects included are:
The total multiple-choice question is 200.The total time for the paper is 180 minutes.The test will be conducted across the country on the same date and time.
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For preparation, you must practice multiple choice questions maximum as you can. because the MDCAT is based on multiple-choice questions. So all candidates must have a strong grip on all the mentioned subjects.
IN MDCAT 1st portion is the major portion which consists of Biology. This part consists of 80 multiple-choice questions that come from these subjects. The preparation of this subject is very easy if you read all the topics of this subject mentioned in the MDCAT syllabus by PMDC. By following this way, you can get maximum marks.
The second portion consists of Chemistry which has 60 multiple-choice questions. The topics of chemistry are also mentioned in the syllabus.
The third portion of the MDCAT consists of PHYSICS. You must keep the focus on the numericals of Physics to get maximum marks. You must practice numerical from the different parts, also your speed should be good so that you can solve this part on time.
The portion on the MDCAT test is the English subject. If your grammar is strong and you have a strong grip on the intermediate English grammar book.
You can also download MDCAT 2025 Books PDF from resultpedia.
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Will MDCAT 2025 Syllabus will Change?
Yes. PMDC Change National MDCAT 2025 Syllabus.