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Interview 14: 3 day Q& A session with MDCAT/FSc Repeaters

we organized a 3 day Q& A session with MDCAT/FSc Repeaters. This is the 14th interview with a Repeater Student.

Here is the MDCAT Repeater Success story.

below are some Questions & Answers which will be helpful for Fresh students to take the decision to Repeat a year.

Question 1: you consider yourself as:

Answer: brilliant

Question 2: Your FSc Marks?

Answer: 990

Question 3: Did you improve your FSc marks?

Answer: No

Question 4: You are utilizing one/two extra years of life. why are you so passionate about MBBS?

Answer: I know there are many professions. But being a good doctor is my only desire. I have worked very hard this year to score good but the 50 50 criteria is making it difficult ???? criteria should be 70% mdcat 30% fsc

Question 5: Is MBBS is your own choice or family influenced you?

Answer: My own choice of course

Question 6: Was it your own choice to repeat or someone else?

Answer: Yes it was my own choice to repeat as it is my passion and aim to get enrolled into a good medical college.

Question 7: why didn’t you opt for other fields even after the first failure?

Answer: I find myself suitable for this field (being a doctor)… I know i won’t be able to adjust myself in other fields

Question 8: How much time a repeater student gives to his study?

Answer: I have given 12 to 15 hours to my studies daily

Question 9: what are the difference b/w fresh fsc student life and Repeater students?

Answer: 1.Freshers of this year have good fsc marks because they got 3% extra marks due to COVID-19 but on the other hand we repeaters have not much enough marks.
2 Freshers can easily get admission by scoring even 170 180 marks in NMDCAT because mostly have 1000+ marks in Fsc… While on the contrary we repeaters have to score 180 190 to get admission.
3.Freshers have less experience while repeaters know much about test.

Question 10: what type of pressure did you felt during the repeat year?

Answer: Criticism is only worst thing that I have faced while repeating my year…

Question 11: How did your friends and family treat you in the repeat year?

Answer: Treatment ahh… Worst treatment.
Even my family taunts me.. My friends.. Relatives all of them have played very worst role in degrading and discouraging me for not clearing my mdcat last year ????.. But i remained persistent and keep my self encouraged throughout the year because I know ALLAH is there to help me out❤️

Question 12: How did you handle social stress?

Answer: Whenever i felt depressed and stressful, I become even more closer to ALLAH ALMIGHTY.. I just keep one thing in mind that If Allah wants me to repeat my year then by the grace of Him i will be able to score good this year.

Question 13: what mistakes a fresh student make?

Answer: The biggest mistake as a fresher which i felt last year was to join academy… Because my experience, this year i haven’t joined any academy amd self study was the best way to score well. I bought different books and practiced mcqs from there. And if find some difficulty then i concerned net.

Question 14: would you suggest a student to repeat a year? If not then why?

Answer: Yes. I think a student should give one chance because if he/she has passion to become a Dr. Then they should repeat and word even more harder than before.


Question 15: would you suggest a student to repeat a year? If yes then why?

Answer: Yes. I think a student should give one chance because if he/she has passion to become a Dr. Then they should repeat and work even more harder than before.

Question 16: If after giving yourself another chance, you didn’t achieve your Goal the what will you Go for?

Answer: Then I will definitely go for another field which suits me best after this one.

Question 17: Is Admission to MBBS is possible by just hard work?

Answer: Agree

Question 18: Is Admission to MBBS possible by Luck?

Answer: Agree

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